In-person: Revitalizing under-explored salt basins for the energy transition: Geological storage in the Central North Sea
06/11/2024 The carbon capture and storage network group invites you to join us on this two day seminar with dinner. This conference aims to bring together experts, researchers, and industry professionals from around the globe to discuss the state of knowledge, share valuable insights, and foster collaborative discussions on geological storage in the unique context of the under-explored basins of the central North Sea. Don't miss out on this great event.
In-person: Structural Reservoir Compartmentalisation
27/08/2024 Structural geology network group presents a 2-day seminar on Structural Reservoir Compartmentalisation. We are focusing on 4 sessions: 1. Fault seal predictions, 2. Fault geometry,fault seal and leakage, 3. CO2 storage and 4. Fault geometries - AI/ML. Join us on September 18-19th.