

Webinar: Variability in the geometry of segmented normal fault surfaces


16/06/2021 Structural Geology network group invites you this great webinar featuring Vincent Roche from Montpellier in the South of France. He will be presenting on the topic of "Variability in the geometry of segmented normal fault surfaces". Dont miss out, and join us on June the 24th.

Normal faults are not simple planes but are often complex structures comprising multiple sub-parallel segments separated by intact or breached relay zones. This presentation outlines a quantitative geometrical characterisation of fault segmentation in 2D and 3D that captures this complexity. Understanding this segmentation and its variability provides a basis for considering models of fault development and can be of value for many practical applications, including better evaluation of fault controls on the flow of hydrocarbons in faulted reservoirs and the initiation and termination of earthquake ruptures.

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Updated: 16/06/2021