

Webinar: The Acorn and VNZ projects: CCS on the UKCS


10/03/2022 The FORCE CCS network group invites you to a webinar freaturing Graeme Davies and David Mclure from Harbour Energy. This will be a combined 45min presentation on 2 separate projects Harbour is involved in in the UKCS. Join us on March 16th.

V Net Zero Humber Cluster (Presenter: Graeme Davies – Harbour Energy)

The V Net Zero Humber Cluster has the potential to capture, safely transport and securely store >50% of the existing industrial emissions (19.8MTPA) in the Humber region. By 2030 we can capture up to 11MTPA, and by 2034 over 12MTPA. The CO2 will be securely stored 140 kilometres offshore from the Lincolnshire coast. It will be held 9,000ft below ground in deep geological formations in high-quality depleted gas reservoirs in the Viking Area of the UK southern North Sea. This area has multiple high-quality storage opportunities, providing diversity, long-term storage resilience and additional capacity to support the UK Government's Net Zero targets. First injection from Humber Zero is anticipated in 2027.

Read more and sign up here!

Updated: 10/03/2022