
Upgrade of FactPages and FactMaps


06/06/2019 Starting today, we are switching to a new, upgraded version of our FactPages and FactMaps. There will be a three-month transition period, after which the old pages will no longer be available.

The transition period is up to and including 3 October 2019, so that users who download data can reorganise their systems.

See more information about the changes below.


From today through 3 October, new FactPages will be available at:

The old FactPages will be available at this address during the same period: http://factpages.npd.no/

NOTE! From 3 October, the https://npdfactpages.npd.no address will be replaced by https://factpages.npd.no

Send comments or report errors to factweb@npd.no


From today through 3 October, new FactMaps will be available at:

The old FactMaps will be available at this address during the same period: http://gis.npd.no/factmaps/html_21/

Both the new and the old version will have associated WMS, WFS and ArcGIS Rest Services available. This also applies to the “old” downloadable files for shape, Filgeodatabase and WKT.

NOTE! From 3 October, only the following address will be available: https://factmaps.npd.no/factmaps/3_0/

General upgrades

  • Transfer of data to Excel from table view is now done using xlsx, not xls.

  • All webpages and services have been converted to secure communication; https encryption.

  • FactMaps are now only available in html version. Functionality from the advanced edition is now built into the html edition.

  • Services and downloads for FactMaps are expanded to reflect all data available from the FactPages.

  • Refers to FactPages and GeoNorge for more detailed information about the services. In GeoNorge, these will be labelled version 3.0.

  • Version 3.0 has been upgraded to newer ArcGIS (10.6.1) and Geocortex (4.11) versions.

Changes and additions

BAA (Business arrangement area)




TUF (Transportation and Utilization Facilities)

Fields and discoveries

Downloading data from FactPages

The NPD prioritises keeping the “Table view” part of FactPages as backward compatible as possible. For those of you who download data using XML or CSV:

  • No existing tags have changed name
  • No existing reports have changed name or been deleted
  • Table view – new attributes

Below is an overview showing which table views now have new attributes. Reference is made to the Tag name which is used in CSV and XML format.

To see the definition of the various attributes, look under “Attributes” on the respective tabs in Factpages. See e.g. https://factpages.npd.no/default.aspx?culture=nb-no&nav1=wellbore&nav2=Attributes

“Wellbore” / “Table view” / “Exploration” – “All -long list”



“Wellbore”/ “Table view”/”Development”



“Wellbore”/ “Table view”/”Other”



"Surveys"/"Table view"/"Overview surveys"



"Facility"/"Table view"/"Mobile"





Tel: 51 87 06 00

Updated: 18/11/2022

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