
Regulations relating to the stipulation of tariffs etc. for certain facilities

Laid down by the Ministry of Petroleum and Energy 20 December 2002 pursuant to section 10-18 first paragraph and section 4-8 of the Act of 29 November 1996 No. 72 relating to petroleum activities and Regulations of 27 June 1997 No. 653 section 70 to the Act relating to petroleum activities section 70. Last amended by regulations dated 21 Dec 2022.


Section 1 Scope of applications etc.
Section 2 Definition of entries, exits and processing
Section 3 Right to use capacity
Section 4 Tariffs
Section 5 Tariff in event of a change in the right of use
Section 6 Remedy etc. Section 7 Publication of conditions for the right to use certain facilities
Section 7 Publication of conditions for the right to use certain facilities
Section 8 Entry into force

Section 1. Scope of application etc.

These regulations shall apply to facilities as mentioned in the third paragraph.
Facilities as mentioned in the third paragraph, are subject to all of the provisions relating to upstream pipeline networks in Chapter 9 of the Petroleum Regulations, cf. the Petroleum Regulations section 69 first paragraph first sentence.

The facilities are divided into areas A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O and P as follows:

Area A

  • The 30” pipeline for transporting rich gas from the Statfjord B platform to the terminal at Kårstø including the 16” Gullfaks satellite T-connection, the 12” Veslefrikk T- connection and the 8” Brage T-connection. Area A includes the right to use capacity over the Statfjord B-platform to area F and to 12” Statfjord UK gas pipeline.

Area B

  • The 42” pipeline for transporting rich gas from the Åsgard B platform to the terminal at Kårstø including the U-loop T-connection, the Draugen T-connection, Haltenbanken West T-connection, Njord T-connection and Skarv T-connection.

Area C

  • The terminal at Kårstø for processing of rich gas, NGL and condensate, with the exception of K-Lab and the propane filling station..

Area D

  • The 42” pipeline for transporting dry gas from the terminal at Kårstø to facilities in Germany;,

  • The 28” pipeline for transporting dry gas between the terminal at Kårstø and Draupner S riser platform, including the 4” Snurrevarden T-connection;

  • The 36” pipeline for transporting dry gas between the Heimdal platform and Draupner S riser platform, including the 16” Jotun T-connection;

  • The 40” pipeline for transporting dry gas from the terminal at Kollsnes to the Sleipner riser platform;

  • The 40” pipeline for transporting dry gas from the terminal at Kollsnes to the Draupner E riser platform;

  • The Draupner E riser platform;

  • The Draupner S riser platform;

  • The 30" pipeline for transporting dry gas between the Sleipner riser platform and Draupner S riser platform;

  • The 40” pipeline for transporting dry gas from the Sleipner riser platform to the terminal in Zeebrugge;

  • The 40” pipeline for transporting dry gas from the Draupner S riser platform, via the Draupner E riser platform to facilities in Germany;

  • Facilities in Germany consisting of the facilities for receiving dry gas established in Dornum, metering facilities established in Dornum, and the 42” pipeline for transporting dry gas between these facilities and the terminal in Emden;

  • The 36” pipeline for transporting dry gas from the Draupner S riser platform to terminal in Emden, including the Y-connection Ekofisk;

  • The terminal in Emden:

  • The Norsea Gas terminal in Emden;

  • The 42” pipeline for transporting dry gas from the Draupner E riser platform to the terminal in Dunkerque;

  • The terminal in Dunkerque;

  • The 36” pipeline for transporting dry gas from the Oseberg D platform to the Heimdal riser platform;

  • The Heimdal riser platform;

  • The 32” pipeline from the Heimdal riser platform to and including metering instruments at the terminal in St. Fergus, and associated installations defined as "the Norwegian Pipeline" in the sixth paragraph of Article 30 in the Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Kingdom of Norway relating to Amendment of the Agreement of 10 May 1976 relating to Exploitation of the Frigg Field Reservoir and the transmission of Gas therefrom to the United Kingdom, cf. Storting Prop. No. 73 (1998-1999) and

  • The 32” pipeline for transporting dry gas from the Frigg TCP2 platform which is connected to the pipeline from the Heimdal riser platform to St. Fergus;

  • The 42” pipeline for transporting dry gas from Nyhamna to the Sleipner riser platform;

  • The 44” pipeline for transporting dry gas from Sleipner riser platform to the terminal in Easington and

  • The terminal in Easington

Area E

  • The terminal in Kollsnes for processing of rich gas, forwarding of NGL to Vestprosess and Sture together with forwarding of dry gas into area D, to Kollsnes Næringspark and to Mongstad.

Area F

  • The 32” pipeline for transporting rich gas from Statfjord B platform to the FLAGS-pipeline on the British Continental Shelf, including the 12” pipeline from 32” T to connection on the pipeline between the Statfjord A platform and the Statfjord C platform. The area F also includes the right to use capacity over Statfjord C platform to connection on the pipeline between the Statfjord A platform and the Statfjord C platform;

Area G

  • The 30” pipeline for transporting rich gas from the Kvitebjørn platform to the terminal at Kollsnes including the Visund T connection:

Area H

  • The 16” pipeline for transporting rich gas from the Norne platform to the connection between area B and the pipeline from the Heidrun platform:

Area I

  • The 28” pipeline for transporting rich gas from the Gjøa platform to the FLAGS-pipeline on the British Continental Shelf;

Area J

  • The 22” pipeline for transporting rich gas from the Valemon platform to the Heimdal riser platform;

Area K

  • The 16” pipeline for transporting rich gas from the Heidrun platform to Tjeldbergodden and the receiving facilities at Tjeldbergodden;

Area L

  • The 16” pipeline for transporting rich gas from the Edvard Grieg platform to the Beryl pipeline on the British Continental Shelf;

Area M

  • The 12 ¾” pipeline for transporting NGL from Kollsnes to Mongstad and the 8” connecting pipeline from the oil terminal at Sture;

Area N

  • Facilities for stabilization, fractionation, storage and shipment of NGL at Mongstad;

Area O

  • The 36” pipeline for transporting rich gas from the Aasta Hansteen platform to the terminal at Nyhamna including the Dvalin T connection;

Area P

  • The terminal at Nyhamna for processing of rich gas and delivery of condensate and dry gas.

Section 2. Definition of entries, exits and processing

Area A


All connection points at which natural gas can be delivered into the pipeline between Statfjord B and the terminal at Kårstø.


At the exit of the pipeline from Statfjord B to Kårstø at the terminal at Kårstø, at the entry to area F and at the entry to the 12” Statfjord UK gas pipe.

Area B


All connection points at which natural gas can be delivered into the pipeline from Åsgard B for transportation to Kårstø.


At the exit of the pipeline from Åsgard B to Kårstø at the terminal at Kårstø.

Area C


  • Removal of hydrogen sulphide

  • Extraction

  • Fractionation, storage and shipment of NGL-products except for ethane

  • Stabilisation, storage and shipment of condensate

  • Removal of carbon dioxide

  • Dilution of carbon dioxide

  • Fractionation, purification, storage and shipment of ethane

Area D


All connection points where natural gas can be delivered into the relevant pipelines at Sleipner, Kollsnes, Oseberg, the Jotun T-connection, Heimdal, Kårstø, Ekofisk and Nyhamna.


Points from where natural gas can be delivered from the terminals in Zeebrugge, Dunkerque, Emden, Dornum, St. Fergus and Easington, out at Snurrevarden and out at Heimdal for transportation of natural gas for injection in Grane and out at connection points for the fields Mariner and Gina Krog for injection into the fields.

Area E


Extraction and forwarding of NGL and dry gas.

Area F


All connection points where natural gas can be delivered into area F


At the outlet of the pipeline from Statfjord B to FLAGS.

Area G


All connection points where natural gas can be delivered into area G.


At the outlet of the pipeline at the terminal at Kollsnes.

Area H


All connection points where natural gas can be delivered into area H.


At the junction between area H and area B for deliveries into area B and for deliveries into the pipeline to the Heidrun platform.

Area I


All connection points where natural gas can be delivered into area I.


At the outlet of the pipeline from the Gjøa platform to FLAGS.

Area J


All connection points where natural gas can be delivered into area J


At the outlet of the pipeline from the Valemon platform to the Heimdal riser platform.

Area K


All connection points where natural gas can be delivered into area K


At the outlet of the pipeline from the Heidrun platform to Tjeldbergodden.

Area L


All connection points where natural gas can be delivered into area L


At the outlet of the pipeline from the Edvard Grieg-platform to the Beryl pipeline on the British Continental Shelf

Area M


All connection points where NGL can be delivered into area M


At the outlet of the pipeline from Kollsnes to Mongstad.

Area N


  • Stabilisation

  • Fractionation, storage and shipment

Area O


All connection points where natural gas can be delivered into area O


At the outlet of the pipeline from the Aasta Hansteen field to the terminal at Nyhamna.

Area P


Extraction and forwarding of condensate and dry gas.

Section 3. Right to use capacity

Right to use capacity comprises delivering natural gas at entries or taking natural gas out at exits, or processing in areas C, E, N and P.

Section 4. Tariffs

The tariffs shall be stipulated by the following formula at the entry to and/or exit from the areas A, B, D, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M and O and for processing in areas C, E, N and P:

Picture of the Tariff formula


  • t = tariff per unit for the right to use an entry, exit or processing

  • K = fixed part of the capital element per unit

  • Q = estimated aggregate reserved capacity for the year in question

  • I = annual element calculated for investments to maintain the system

  • U = element calculated for investments related to extensions of the system

  • E = escalation factor

  • O = anticipated operating costs

For interruptible capacity the tariff shall be 50 percent of standard t for the respective areas. Payments as a result of interruptible capacity shall fall to the users of the relevant area through a reduction of the O-element.


  • Prior to 1. October 2016 the tariff for interruptible capacity shall be 50 percent of t that applies for the right to use that is agreed upon later than 1. July 2013 for use prior to 1. October 2016.

All figures in this chapter are in 2002-NOK, unless otherwise stated.

i) Fixed part of capital element (K)

Area A

For area A, K is set at 0,55 øre per Sm3 and shall be applied at the exit from the area.


  • For right to use the exits in A that is agreed upon prior to 1. July 2013 K is set at 5.5 øre per Sm3.

  • For right to use the exits in A that is agreed upon after 1. July 2013 for use prior to 1. October 2016, K is set at 5.5 øre per Sm3.

Area B

For area B, K is set at 0.35 øre per Sm3 and shall be applied at the exit from the area.


  • For right to use the exits in B that is agreed upon prior to 1. July 2013 K is set at 3.5 øre per Sm3.

  • For right to use the exits in B that is agreed upon after 1. July 2013 for use prior to 1. October 2016, K is set at 3.5 øre per Sm3.

Area C:

For extraction K is set at 1.0 øre per Sm3.


  • For the right to extraction that is agreed upon prior to 1. June 2013 K is set at 10,0 øre per Sm3. For the right to extraction that is agreed upon after 1. June 2013 for use prior to 1. October 2016 K is set at 10,0 øre per Sm3.

  • For the right to extraction for the Åsgard field that is agreed upon prior to 1. January 2013 K is set at 0.

For fractionation, storage and shipment of NGL, K is set at NOK 30 per tonne.


  • For the right to fractionation, storage and shipment that is agreed upon prior to 1. July 2013 K is set at NOK 300 per tonne.

  • For the right to fractionation, storage and shipment that is agreed upon later than 1. July 2013 for use prior to 1. October 2016 K is set at NOK 300 per tonne.

  • For the right to fractionation, storage and shipment as agreed for the fields Åsgard, Gullfaks Sør, Draugen, Heidrun and Norne prior to 1. January 2003 K is set at NOK 530 per tonne.

  • For the right to fractionation, storage and shipment as agreed for the fields Sleipner Øst, Sleipner Vest and Sigyn prior to 1. January 2003, K is set at NOK 130 per tonne.

For stabilisation, storage and shipment of condensate K is set at NOK 4,3 per tonne.

  • For right to stabilisation, storage and shipment of condensate for use prior to 1. October 2016, K is set at NOK 42,8 per tonne.

  • For right to stabilisation, storage and shipment of condensate for the fields Sleipner Øst, Sleipner Vest and Sigyn, K is set at 0.

For fractionation, purification, storage and shipment of ethane, K is set at NOK 220 per tonne before 1. October 2016, then K is set at NOK 160 per tonne. The right to use fractionation, purification, storage and shipment of ethane shall be equal to each user’s share of extracted ethane.

For removal of carbon dioxide K is set at NOK 211,0 per tonne removed carbon dioxide.

For dilution of carbon dioxide K is set at NOK 105,5 per tonne diluted carbon dioxide. Payments as a result of this element shall fall to the users of the area C delivering gas containing less carbon dioxide than the current specification.


  • For dilution of carbon dioxide from the Veslefrikk field t is set at 0

  • For removal of hydrogen sulphide from the Veslefrikk field t is set at 0

Area D

In area D, K shall apply at the entries to and at the exits from the area. Further, K applies for dilution of carbon dioxide and dilution of hydrogen sulphide.

At the entries, K is 0.


  • For the right to use of entries to area D that corresponds with the right to use of exits from area D that is agreed upon later than 1. July 2013and for such use that is agreed upon later than 1. July 2016 for use prior to 1. October 2016, K shall be at the entries:
  1. At Kollsnes; 1,93 øre per Sm3. At Kårstø and Oseberg; 2,43 øre per Sm3.

  2. At Nyhamna 0.

  3. Elsewhere: 0,43 øre/Sm³.

At exits, K is set at 0.71 øre per Sm3.


  • For the right to use that is agreed upon prior to 1. July 2013 K is set at 5,57 øre / Sm3

  • For the right to use that is agreed upon later than 1. July 2013 for use prior to 1. October 2016 K is set at 5,57 øre / Sm3

  • For the right to use the Emden exit for natural gas originating from petroleum deposit(s) under Production Licence 018, that is agreed upon prior to 1. July 2013 and for such right to use that is agreed upon later than 1. July 2013 for use prior to 1. October 2016 K is set at 1,77 øre / Sm3.
  • For the right to use the Kårstø entry and the Snurrevarden exit for transportation of natural gas to Snurrevarden, K is set at 0.

For dilution of hydrogen sulphide K is set at NOK 1 000 per kilo diluted hydrogen sulphide. Payments as a result of this element shall fall to the users of the area D delivering gas containing less hydrogen sulphide than the current specification.

For dilution of carbon dioxide K is set at NOK 150 per tonne diluted carbon dioxide. Payments as a result of this element shall fall to the users of the area D delivering gas containing less carbon dioxide than the current specification.


  • For the right to dilution of carbon dioxide from the fields Sleipner Øst, Sleipner Vest and Vale, t is set to 0.

Area E

For extraction and forwarding of NGL and dry gas K = 0,45 øre/ Sm3.


  • For the right to extraction and forwarding of NGL and dry gas that is agreed upon prior to 1. February 2004, K is set to 0.

For dilution of hydrogen sulphide K is set to NOK 1 000 per kilo diluted hydrogen sulphide. Payments as a result of this element shall fall to the users of the area E delivering gas containing less hydrogen sulphide than the current specification.


  • For the right to dilution of hydrogen sulphide from the Kvitebjørn field t is set to 0.

For dilution of carbon dioxide K is set to NOK 150 per tonne diluted carbon dioxide. Payments as a result of this element shall fall to the users of the area E delivering gas containing less hydrogen sulphide than the current specification.


  • For the right to dilution of hydrogen sulphide from the Kvitebjørn field that is agreed upon prior to 1. July 2011 t is set to 0.

Area F

For area F, K is set at 6.0 øre per Sm3 and shall be applied at the exit from the area.

Area G

For area G, K is set at 1.49 øre per Sm3 and shall be applied at the exit from the area.

Area H

For area H, K is set at 0 øre per Sm3 and shall be applied at the exit from the area.

Area I

For area I, K is set at 0,405 øre per Sm3 and shall be applied at the exit from the area.


  • For the right to use the exit in I that is agreed upon prior to 1. January 2023 K is set to 4,05 øre per Sm3.

Area J

For area J, K is set at 3.80 øre per Sm3 and shall be applied at the exit from the area.

Area K

For area K, K is set at 0 øre per Sm3 and shall be applied at the exit from the area.

Area L

For area L, K is set at 1,98 øre per Sm3 and shall be applied at the exit from the area.


  • For the right to use the exit in L that is agreed upon prior to 1. July 2023 K is set to 19,80 øre per Sm3.

Area M

In area M, K shall be applied at the entrances to the area. For users that supplies NGL from the Sture-terminal, the right to use shall correspond to the highest of right to use that is agreed upon and each user’s share of extracted NGL-products.

At the entrances K is set at NOK 7.44 per Sm3.


  • For the right to use of entrance to area M for NGL covered by agreement dated 31. August 2001 between Vestprosess DA and the licensees in the Fram field, K is set as agreed upon in the agreement.

  • For the right to use of entrance to area M for NGL covered by agreement dated 18. December 2001 between Vestprosess DA and the licensees in the Kvitebjørn field, K is set as agreed upon in the agreement.

  • For the right to use of entrance to area M for NGL covered by agreement dated 18. January 2002 between Vestprosess DA and the licensees in the Kvitebjørn field and the Troll field, K is set as agreed upon in the agreement.

  • For the right to use of entrance to area M for NGL covered by agreement dated 1. February 2003 between Vestprosess DA and the licensees in the Tune field, K is set as agreed upon in the agreement.

  • For the right to use of entrance to area M for NGL covered by agreement dated 12. February 2003 between Vestprosess DA and the licensees in the Visund field, K is set as agreed upon in the agreement.

Area N

For stabilisation K is set at NOK 3,42 per tonne. For users supplying NGL from the Sture terminal, the right to use shall correspond to the highest of right to use that is agreed upon and each user’s share of extracted NGL-products. The right to use for NGL that is supplied from the Mongstad refinery shall correspond with each user’s share of extracted NGL products.


  • For the right to stabilisation of NGL covered by agreement dated 31. August 2001 between Vestprosess DA and the licensees in the Fram field, K is set as agreed upon in the agreement.

  • For the right to stabilisation of NGL covered by agreement dated 18. December 2001 between Vestprosess DA and the licensees in the Kvitebjørn field, K is set as agreed upon in the agreement.

  • For the right to stabilisation of NGL covered by agreement dated 31. January 2002 between Vestprosess DA and the licensees in the Kvitebjørn field and the Troll field, K is set as agreed upon in the agreement.

  • For the right to stabilisation of NGL covered by agreement dated 1. February 2003 between Vestprosess DA and the licensees in the Tune field, K is set as agreed upon in the agreement.

  • For the right to stabilisation of NGL covered by agreement dated 12. February 2003 between Vestprosess DA and the licensees in the Visund field, K is set as agreed upon in the agreement. .

For fractionation, storage and shipment, K is set at NOK 22,79 per tonne. For users that supplies NGL from the Sture-terminal, the right to use shall correspond to the highest of right to use that is agreed upon and each user’s share of extracted NGL-products. The right to use for NGL that is supplied from the Mongstad refinery shall correspond with each user’s share of extraction of NGL products.


  • For the right to fractionation, storage and shipment of NGL covered by agreement dated 31. August 2001 between Vestprosess DA and the licensees in the Fram field, K is set as agreed upon in the agreement.

  • For the right to fractionation, storage and shipment of NGL covered by agreement dated 18. December 2001 between Vestprosess DA and the licensees in the Kvitebjørn field, K is set as agreed upon in the agreement.

  • For the right to fractionation, storage and shipment of NGL covered by agreement dated 31. January 2002 between Vestprosess DA and the licensees in the Kvitebjørn field and the Troll field, K is set as agreed upon in the agreement.

  • For the right to fractionation, storage and shipment of NGL covered by agreement dated 1. February 2003 between Vestprosess DA and the licensees in the Tune field, K is set as agreed upon in the agreement.

  • For the right to fractionation, storage and shipment of NGL covered by agreement dated 12. February 2003 between Vestprosess DA and the licensees in the Visund field, K is set as agreed upon in the agreement.

Area O

In area O, K shall be applied at the entrances to the area and at the exit from the area

  • At the entrance by the Aasta Hansteen-field, K is set at 2.1 øre per Sm³.

  • At the entrance by the Dvalin-field, K is set at 0 øre per Sm³.

  • At the exit K is set at 6.9 øre per Sm³.

Area P

  • For extraction and forwarding of condensate and dry gas K is set at 11.5 øre per Sm³.

ii) Reserved capacity (Q)

The Q for the different areas shall be estimated by the operator for the year in question. In areas A, B, D, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M and O the Q shall be estimated at the exits from the areas. In area C, E, N and P the Q shall be estimated for the different services in these areas.

iii) Investments related to maintenance of the system (I)

The I shall be estimated for investments required to maintain the system that are not included under O as described below. I shall be stipulated by the Ministry. I shall be stipulated annually for investments of this type within each area and service and shall be calculated as an annuity within the remaining licence period. The annuity shall be so stipulated that the owners may expect a reasonable return on total investments. After the expansion of capacity resulting from the investment is put into service, the I shall be included in the tariff for the area which necessitated the investment. If by the end of the year the sum collected differs from the sum calculated according to the second, third and fourth sentences, this difference in I shall be corrected in the following year. In areas A, B, D, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M and O, the I shall be stipulated at the exits from the area. In area C, E, N and P, I shall be stipulated for the different services in the area.

iv) Investments related to expansion of the system (U)

The Ministry may decide that U shall be stipulated for investments resulting in expansion of the capacity that do not come under I or O as described in subsections iii) and vi). In such cases the U shall apply for the area that necessitates the investment and be so stipulated that the owners can expect a reasonable return on total investments. When stipulating U, the Ministry shall take account of the income that corresponds to the committed rights to use capacity that existed before U is stipulated and becomes applicable. U shall apply to all future rights to use capacity, including rights to use capacity acquired before U is stipulated and becomes applicable. The Ministry shall take account of factors described in the third paragraph of subsection iv).

In areas A, B, D, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M and O, U shall be stipulated for each service in these areas.

For users who have acquired a right to use capacity before U is stipulated and applicable for the investment in question, the sum of all U within each of the areas A, B, D, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M and O shall not exceed 0.7 øre per Sm3 with a gas transport level of up to 72 billion Sm3 per year, and 0.6 øre per Sm3 at a gas transport level of 90 billion Sm3 or more per year. For gas transport levels between 72 and 90 billion Sm3 per year, U shall be up to linear between 0.6 and 0.7 øre per Sm3. If this U is not sufficient to give the above-mentioned return on the investments for expanding capacity, the Ministry shall stipulate an additional tariff for the users who acquire a right to use capacity resulting from the expansion.

v) Escalation factor (E)

The escalation factor for each particular year is stipulated based on the Norwegian consumer price index published by Statistics Norway (the Central Bureau of Statistics) and shall be the ratio between the last index published before 1 January of the same year and the corresponding index as of 1 January 2002 (108.9). If the ratio is less than 1.0, E shall equal 1.0.

vi) Anticipated operating costs (O)

The O for the different areas shall be stipulated by the operator at the beginning of the year. Prior to such stipulation the operator shall consult the users. O shall cover the costs relating to operate the upstream pipeline networks as mentioned in section 1 and the costs incurred by the operator for its operations in accordance with Chapter 9 of the Petroleum Regulations. Costs that are carried by others in accordance with the Petroleum Regulations section 66 A seventh paragraph are still not comprised. The operator may stipulate that a part of the O-element is adjusted monthly.

In areas A, B, D, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M and O, O shall be stipulated at the exits from the relevant area. In area D, costs paid for use of the specific facilities in this area as described in section 7, shall be included in O. In addition, costs for the operation of compressors at the Kårstø terminal shall be included in O. In area A, costs that are paid to Statfjord for right to capacity over the Statfjord platform to the area F and to the 12” Statfjord UK gas pipe shall be comprised. These costs shall be charged those who has the right to use the exit to the 12” Statfjord UK gas pipe and the exit to area F. In area F, costs that are paid to Statfjord for right to capacity over the Statfjord C platform to the connection between Statfjord A platform and the Statfjord C platform shall be comprised. These costs shall be charged those who has the right to use of capacity over the Statfjord C platform to the pipeline form Statfjord B for transportation to FLAGS.

By stipulations of O in area H there shall be added 1.5 million NOK x E. By stipulations of O in area K there shall be added 4.5 million NOK x E.

In area C, E, N and P, O shall be stipulated for each individual service in these areas. O for removal of hydrogen sulphide in area C shall be paid by users that gets the right to deliver gas containing hydrogen sulphide beyond the current specification in areas A and B. O for removal of hydrogen sulphide shall be paid in proportion to the amount of hydrogen sulphide each user individually is given the right to deliver beyond the current specification. In area N, all costs that are paid to Oseberg Transport (OTS) for the operation of the cavern at Sture and all costs that are paid to Mongstad for services from the Mongstad refinery, including costs relating to fuel gas, shall be included in O.

In addition to current operating costs, individual investments that do not exceed the limit sums given in the table below may be included in O for the different areas.

Area Up to
A and B 40 million NOK x E
C 250 million NOK x E
D 200 million NOK x E
E 250 million NOK x E
F 40 million NOK x E
G 40 million NOK x E
H 40 million NOK x E
I 40 million NOK x E
J 40 million NOK x E
K 40 million NOK x E
L 40 million NOK x E
M 40 million NOK x E
N 100 million NOK x E
O 40 million NOK x E
P 250 million NOK x E

Nevertheless, the sum of the individual investments that may be included in O per year shall not exceed up to three times the limit sum in each area, and proper consideration shall be taken so that O for a single year will not have an unreasonable effect on the level of tariffs for the area or a service.

If at the end of the year the operator has collected O-elements that differ from the actual operating costs, included the amendments in the areas H and K, an adjustment shall be made for the difference in the estimate of O for the following year within the same area.

Section 5. Tariff in event of a change in the right of use

When a user changes the entry or exit, the user shall be charged the highest of the tariffs. Changes as mentioned in the first sentence are subject to capacity being available at the entry or exit to which the user wishes to change. When a user changes from fixed to interruptible capacity, the user shall be charged for the highest tariff.

At spare capacity in the primary market for existing facilities for removal of carbon dioxide in area C, the users of the service dilution of carbon dioxide in area C has a right and an obligation to change their duties for this service to removal of carbon dioxide.

Section 6. Aid etc.

A user who encounters an unforeseen delivery problem, shall be entitled to aid from other users free of charge for deliveries already committed, if the user is unable to meet his commitments by means of his own natural gas. Nevertheless, the other users shall not be bound to provide such aid if that would prevent them from utilising their own right to use capacity. A user who has received aid shall return the volumes received without undue delay. The cumulative aid to one user shall not exceed the sum of one day’s right of use at exits in area D for such user.

A user shall in connection with planned incidents, including planned maintenance work, be allowed flexibility in facilities to which these regulations apply free of charge, in order to meet his commitments, provided that this does not prevent other users from utilising their own capacity rights. Such access to flexibility in facilities to which these regulations apply shall be balanced relative to the user’s actual contribution towards establishing the desired flexibility.


Section 7. Publication of conditions for the right to use certain facilities

Owners of the terminals in Zeebrugge and Dunkerque, owners of receiving facilities and metering facilities for dry gas established in Dornum and the 42” pipeline for transporting dry gas between these facilities, and owners of the terminal in Emden shall publish the principal business terms for use of their facilities at least once a year.

Section 8. Entry into force

These Regulations enter into force 1 January 2003.

As from the entry into force of the Regulations, all use of facilities as mentioned in section 1 shall take place in accordance with conditions laid down in these Regulations and in Chapter 9 of the Petroleum Regulations.

Natural gas undertakings and eligible customers who have existing agreements for transportation of natural gas in upstream pipeline networks, and who are able to document that the obligation to pay tariffs under these Regulations results in them in total being placed in a poorer position economically than under the said existing agreements approved pursuant to section 4-8 of the Act of 29 November 1996 No.72 relating to petroleum activities, or an equivalent provision, may apply for continuation of the said existing agreements with the Ministry of Energy before 1 March 2003. The Ministry may lay down conditions for such continuation, including laying down that only certain rights and duties in these agreements shall continue to apply.


English version is not necessarily updated according to recent changes at any time.

Updated: 27/06/2024

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