
Drilling permit for well 6611/1-1 in production licence 896

12/09/2019 The Norwegian Petroleum Directorate has granted DEA Norge AS a drilling permit for well 6611/1-1, cf. Section 15 of the Resource Management Regulations.

Well 6611/1-1 will be drilled from the West Hercules drilling facility in position 66°47'39.63"N and 11°1'11.61"E after completing the drilling of wildcat well 32/4-2 for Equinor Energy AS in production licence 921.

The drilling program for well 6611/1-1 relates to the drilling of wildcat wells in production licence 896. DEA Norge AS is the operator with an ownership interest of 40 per cent. The other licensees are Petoro AS, Lundin Norway AS and Equinor Energy AS, each with an ownership interest of 20 per cent.

The area in this licence consists of the eastern part of block 6610/2 and blocks 6610/3, 6611/1 and 6611/2. The well will be drilled about 150 kilometres northeast of the Norne field, and about 150 kilometres southwest of Bodø.

Production licence 896 was awarded on 10 February 2017 in APA 2016. This is the first exploration well to be drilled in the licence.

The permit is contingent on the operator securing all other permits and consents required by other authorities prior to commencing the drilling activity.

Map showing licence 896





Tel: +47 51 87 60 00

Updated: 03/10/2019

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