
Questions about exploration? AI Neil at your service!


Illustration image: Shutterstock.

26/05/2023 Do you want to learn more about exploration on the Norwegian shelf, but don’t know where to start? Chat with Neil, your geological assistant, to learn everything about relinquisment reports.

The NPD is contributing to a pilot project from FabriqAI and Kadme where artificial intelligence is used to search in status reports from the shelf which are available to the general public (Read more about the reports). Here you can ask questions about production licences, areas, prospects, wells and discoveries from more than 600 reports documenting work performed by companies on the NCS.

“This is more than just a simple search; here you can chat with a digital personality that will try to understand the context of your questions, and has access to enormous amounts of valuable information,” says Petter Dischington, the driving force behind the initiative from the NPD’s side.

The tool works in both Norwegian and English.

“Our focus is on accurate information and good source references, thus minimising the risk of factual errors or so-called hallucinations, which has been an issue in many other AI products.”

In the first round, this is a pilot project that will run until October. Everyone is welcome to sign up and become registered users.

Many in the NPD have contributed to making these status reports available, with the hope that they can be useful for those who are exploring for and developing fields on the shelf.

“The NPD is committed to using new technology that contributes to value creation from the petroleum industry. This project will provide valuable experience in using AI, while also utilising the enormous potential that lies in the status reports,” says Assistant Director Arne Jacobsen in Technology, analyses and coexistence.

Log in here if you’d like to try out the tool! 

Updated: 26/05/2023

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