
Registration open for popular course


The course is held by our own employees, including Svein Arne Svilosen, Even Gilleboe, Janka Rom og Sølvi Amundrud.

13/09/2019 You can now register for “Course for the industry" (Kurs for næringen) which will be held on 14 November in our offices in Stavanger. The registration deadline is 8 November.

The course provides an introduction to the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate’s roles and tasks, and how our work affects your working day in the oil and gas industry.

This is a popular course that has received good feedback from the participants in the three previous courses.

Torhild S. Nilsen, the NPD’s assistant director Framework and finances, explains why we hold the course:

“It’s important to have a good dialogue between the authorities and the industry players on petroleum resource management. In this course, you will learn about the petroleum regulations and the contact licensees must have with the authorities at various milestones. The course also provides insight into our tasks, our role as a fact resource and technical adviser to the Ministry of Petroleum and Energy".

There will be a video link to the NPD’s offices in Harstad.

Time and place

Time: Thursday, 14 November, 08.30-15.30

Place: Professor Olav Hanssens vei 10, Valhall conference room, 3rd floor. Use the Petroleum Safety Authority entrance

Yes, I want to register for "Course for the industry" (Kurs for næringen) on 14 November (in Norwegian)

Program for the day




Framework and the role of the authorities

General information about petroleum management and framework

NPD’s assignment, roles and organisation


Overview of the petroleum regulations


Social economics


Production licences

Licensing rounds and awards

Follow-up of production licences in the exploration phase




Development and operations

Follow-up and initiative in the development and operations phase


Reporting and applications

What to report and apply for?

How to report and apply?


Reporting to the Revised National Budget (RNB)


Questions and conclusion



Updated: 13/09/2019

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