
Together for 50 years on the Norwegian shelf


An industry turned 50: What have we learned so far? How can we take this experience further?

14/10/2019 50 years have passed since the first commercial discovery of oil on the Norwegian shelf. To mark the occasion, the cooperating forum Force is arranging a two-day seminar which will focus on telling the story and highlighting the lessons we have learned that can be passed on to younger generations.

Director General Bente Nyland will open the seminar, which will be held on 11-12 December 2019 at the Atlantic hotel in downtown Stavanger.

The first day includes a visit to the Norwegian Petroleum Museum, followed by a dinner event in the evening. The first half of Day 1 will be in Norwegian, while the rest of the seminar will be held in English.

Transferring experience to new generations

Day 1 will feature two group discussions. One will deal with the political situation that prevailed when the industry first started up, while the other will focus on knowledge development within geophysics and our understanding of petroleum systems.

Day 2 will have primary focus on technology, methods and prospects for the future, and will round off with a summary of: What have we learned and achieved during these fifty years? How can we pass on this experience to coming generations?

Popular seminar

We expect a lot of interest in the seminar, so remember to register as soon as possible – by 1 November at the latest!

Yes, I want to take part in the seminar “Fifty years since the first discovery on the NCS - lessons learned for the next generation”

Agenda for the seminar

More information about the cooperating forum Force


Updated: 15/10/2019

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