
Maintenance of external services

22/02/2024 Tuesday, February 27th from 09:00 and throughout the day, there may be some downtime on factpages and factmaps due to upgrading and maintenance.


Factmaps and services

  • Updated production method for REST-services. Content should not differ beyond reported changes here.
  • New table
  • Field_PDO_hst - overview of all PDOs, layer 518.
    o Layer 518, Field - PDO – History
  • Bug fixes
    • REST - Attribute wlbEwDesDeg corrected to wlbEwDecDeg, applies to layerID 201, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207
    • REST - Attribute FACTWAREHOUSE_DBO_BLOCK_AREA corrected to blcArea, applies to layerID 802
    • REST - Attribute blcMainAreamain_area to blcMainArea
    • REST - Attribute res_incl_in_disc_fact_page_url corrected to dscResInclInDiscoveryFactPageUrl, applies to layerID 503, 504, 505
    • REST - Attribute fixed_or_moveable corrected to wlbDrillingFacilityFixedOrMoveable, applies to layerID 201, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207
    • FGDB - Attribute fldNpdidField is available again in the Discovery table in downloadable file geodatabase
  • FGDB - Removed table in downloadable FGDB - utlyste_blk_tothist. replaced with licencing_activity_announced_hst in a previous update

Also, see Factmap – changelog that will be updated during the maintenance.


Ola Anders Skauby

Director Communication, public affairs and emergency response

Tel: +47 905 98 519

Updated: 22/02/2024

Latest news

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