
Gullfaks C can be used until 2036

14/03/2019 The Norwegian Petroleum Directorate gives the go ahead for using the C platform on the Gullfaks field in the North Sea until 30 June 2036. This corresponds to the entire period of the production licence.

In its application, Equinor shows that the facility can be operated at a profit until 2032, with an option for further extension in connection with maturing new projects for improved recovery (IOR) on Gullfaks.

The Norwegian Petroleum Directorate believes there is a need for further operation of Gullfaks C, both to recover remaining resources on Gullfaks, and as a potential host platform for other deposits in the nearby area. Among other things, Gullfaks C is key to recovering oil from the tight layers in the Shetland group and Lista formation over Gullfaks. If the facility continues to be operated in a cost-effective and safe manner, the potential for reserve growth and extended production is good.

Gullfaks C is one of three large Condeep concrete platforms on the field with integrated process facilities, drilling facilities and living quarters. Gullfaks C also treats and exports oil and gas from Gullfaks Sør, Gimle and Visund Sør. In addition, production from Tordis is processed in a separate facility on the platform.

Gullfaks C was installed in May 1989 in water depth of 216 metres, and started producing on 1 January 1990. The design lifetime was 30 years.

Block 34/10 was called the “Golden Block” back in 1978 when it was awarded to Statoil, Norsk Hydro and Saga Petroleum, with Statoil as operator. The Gullfaks area has exceeded all expectations, and has created significant values for society through thirty years of production.

The current licensees on the field are Equinor, Petoro and OMV Norge.

Updated: 14/03/2019

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