
The NPD's IOR prize 2006 goes to Baker Hughes and Halliburton

23/01/2007 This year, the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate is acknowledging the commitment made by the Norwegian supplier industry towards increased value creation on the Norwegian shelf, not least in research and development.  The IOR prize 2006 is awarded to both Baker Hughes and Halliburton for progressive development and application of advanced drilling and well solutions.

This year, the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate is acknowledging the commitment made by the Norwegian supplier industry towards increased value creation on the Norwegian shelf, not least in research and development.  The IOR prize 2006 is awarded to both Baker Hughes and Halliburton for progressive development and application of advanced drilling and well solutions.

The Director General of the NPD, Gunnar Berge, hands over the prize to the two companies representatives.

A number of new technological solutions for advanced wells were first developed for and put to use on the Troll field in the North Sea.  These solutions have subsequently been applied on a number of fields, both in Norway and abroad.

The prestigious IOR prize (Improved Oil Recovery) is the NPD's way of recognising production licences, companies, projects or individuals that have created added value on the Norwegian continental shelf through innovative actions and plans linked to improved oil recovery.  This year's prize is awarded to two supplier companies who can both take a significant part of the credit for the Troll field's current status as one of the largest oil fields on the Norwegian shelf.

These developments on Troll would not have been possible without the good cooperation between Baker Hughes and Halliburton, who are competitors, to get all the pieces to fit together, both during planning of wells and in the operational phase.  The technology developed is now also used on other fields, thus creating spin-off value far beyond the Troll field.

Director General Gunnar Berge presented the IOR prize 2006 to Baker Hughes and Halliburton at "The 3rd Norwegian Technology Conference 2007" in Stavanger on Tuesday, 23 January.

In addition to Baker Hughes and Halliburton, Talisman was nominated as a candidate for the prize as "one of the newcomers to the Norwegian shelf that is leading the way towards realizing substantial values in fields/areas where others seem to give up."

ODs IOR-pris 2006 til Baker Hughes og Halliburton.doc:

Contact in the NPD:
Eldbjørg Vaage Melberg, tel. +47 51 87 61 00.


Updated: 11/04/2024

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