
Forskingsartiklar og rapportar

Vi deltar i forskingsarbeid i mellom anna regionalgeologi, stratigrafi og biostratigrafi. Nokre av desse vitskapelege publikasjonane finn du her, medan for dei med opphavsrett er bare samandraget tilgjengeleg.


Artikkel: North Barents Composite Tectono-Sedimentary Element 

B. A. Lundschien1, R. Mattingsdal, S. K. Johansenand S.-M. Knutsen

Artikkel: Widespread natural methane and oil leakage from sub-marine Arctic reservoirs. (pdf) (Nature)

Pavel Serov, Rune Mattingsdal, Monica Winsborrow, Henry Patton & Karin Andreassen


Artikkel: A revised lithostratigraphic scheme for the Eocene to Pleistocene succession on the Norwegian continental shelf.

Tor Eidvin, Fridtjof Riis, Harald Brekke & Morten Smelror.


Rapport: Micropaleontology and Strontium Isotope Stratigraphy (SIS) of well 25/3-1(Utsira High) in the North Sea including the sandy Ull (informal), Skade, Eir(informal) and Utsira formations.

Tor Eidvin.


Artikkel: The use of Sr isotope stratigraphy to date the Pleistocene sediments of the Norwegian continental shelf – a review.

Tor Eidvin, Dag Ottesen, Karen Dybkjær, Erik Skovbjerg Rasmussen & Fridtjof Riis.

Artikkel: A new stratigraphic framework for the Miocene – Lower Pliocene deposits offshore Scandinavia: A multiscale approach (wiley.com).

Karen Dybkjær, Erik Skovbjerg Rasmussen, Tor Eidvin, Kari Grøsfjeld, Fridtjof Riis, Stefan Piasecki, Kaisa K. Śliwinska.

Rapport: Biostratigraphy and Strontium Isotope Stratigraphy (SIS) of the upper part of the Brygge Formation, Kai and Naust formations in well 6507/5-1 and cored section of the Naust Formation in well 6507/5-J-1 H from the the Skarv Field (Revfallet Fault Complex, Norwegian Sea shelf) (NPD stratigraphic report 2019/01, updated 2020)

Tor Eidvin


Artikkel: A Miocene age for the Molo Formation, Norwegian Sea shelf off Vestfjorden, based on marine palynology

Kari Grøsfjeld, Karen Dybkjær, Tor Eidvin, Fridtjof Riis, Erik Skovbjerg Rasmussen, Jochen Knies

Artikkel: Correlation of the Upper Oligocene–Miocene deltaic to shelfal succession onshore Denmark with similar deposits in the northern North Sea and Norwegian Sea shelf based on Sr isotope-, bio- and seismic stratigraphy—a review

Tor Eidvin, Erik Skovbjerg Rasmussen, Fridtjof Riis, Karen Dybkjær, Kari Grøsfjeld


Artikkel: Miocene oil-bearing diatom ooze from the North Sea (pdf)

Emma Sheldon, Erik S. Rasmussen, Karen Dybkjær, Tor Eidvin, Fridtjof Riis & Rikke Weibel

Rapport: Biostratigrafi and Strontium Isotope Stratigraphy (SIS) of well 16/3-5 (Johan Sverdrup Field) including the Eir (informal) and Utsira formations (pdf)

Tor Eidvin

Rapport: Biostratigraphy and Strontium Isotope Stratigraphy (SIS) of well 26/10-1 (Zulu gas discovery) including the Skade, Eir (informal) and Utsira formations (pdf)

Tor Eidvin


Artikkel: Sedimentene og fossilene gir svar

Tor Eidvin & Yngve Rundberg

Artikkel: Taler for turbittstrømmer og åpent hav

Tor Eidvin &  Yngve Rundberg

Artikkel: Diskusjon om sandinjeksjon i Nordsjøen

Yngve Rundberg & Tor Eidvin

Atikkel: Discussion on Late Cenozoic geological evolution of the northern North Sea: development of a Miocene unconformity reshaped by large-scale Pleistocene sand intrusion Journal, Vol. 170, 133–145. (pdf)

Yngve Rundberg & Tor Eidvin

Rapport: Biostratigraphy and Strontium Isotope Stratigraphy (SIS) of Lower Oligocene to Pleistocene in Well 9/09a-A 23 (Bruce Field, UK) including Hutton Sand (informal) (pdf)

Tor Eidvin

Rapport: Biostratigraphy and Strontium Isotope Stratigraphy (SIS) of the Skade and Utsira Formations in well 16/2-14 (Johan Sverdrup Field) (pdf)

Tor Eidvin

Rapport: Biostratigraphy and Strontium Isotope Stratigraphy (SIS) of the Utsira Formation and overlying Upper Pliocene sandy unit in well 15/9-13 (close to the CO₂ injection site on the Sleipner Field) (pdf)

Tor Eidvin


Artikkel: The Oligocene succession in the eastern North Sea: basin development and depositional systems (pdf)

E. M. Jarsve, T. Eidvin, J. P. Nystuen, J. I. Faleide, R. H. Gabrielsen & B. I. Thyberg

Artikkel: Discrepancy between Sr isotope and biostratigraphic datings of the upper middle and upper Miocene successions (Eastern North Sea Basin, Denmark) (pdf)

Tor Eidvin, Clemens Vinzenz Ullmann, Karen Dybkjær, Erik Skovbjerg Rasmussen & Stefan Piasecki.

Artikkel: Oligocene to Lower Pliocene deposits of the Norwegian continental shelf, Norwegian Sea, Svalbard, Denmark and their relation to the uplift of Fennoscandia: A synthesis (pdf)

Tor Eidvin, Fridtjof Riis & Erik S. Rasmussen.

Artikkel: Defining and Recognizing the Outer Limits of the Continental Shelf in the Polar Regions (betalingsmur)

Harald Brekke


Bulletin (interaktiv): Investigation of Oligocene to Lower Pliocene deposits in the Nordic offshore area and onshore Denmark (NPD Bulletin 10)

Tor Eidvin, Fridtjof Riis, Erik S. Rasmussen & Yngve Rundberg

Artikkel: Kinetic modelling of CO2–water–rock interactions (pdf)

Helge Hellevang, Van T.H. Pham, Per Aagaard

Artikkel: Assessment of CO2 injection into the south Utsira-Skade aquifer, the North Sea, Norway (pdf)

V.T.H. Pham, F. Riis, I.T. Gjeldvik, E.K. Halland, I.M. Tappel, P. Aagaard

Artikkel: The Lofoten-Vesterålen continental margin, North Norway: Canyons and mass-movement (betalingsmur)

Leif Rise, Reidulv Bøe, Fridtjof Riis, Valérie K. Bellec, Jan Sverre Laberg, Tor Eidvin, Sigrid Elvenes, & Terje Thorsnes


Artikkel: On the potential for CO2 mineral storage in continental flood basalts – PHREEQC batchand 1D diffusion–reaction simulations (pdf) 

Thi Hai Van Pham, Per Aagaard and Helge Hellevang


Artikkel: Numerical modeling including hysteresis properties for CO2 storage in Tubåen formation, Snøhvit field, Barents Sea (pdf)

Pham T.H.V. a, Maast T. Ea, Hellevang H, Aagaard Pa. 1

Artikkel: On the potential of CO2–water–rock interactions for CO2 storage using a modified kinetic model (pdf)

V.T.H. Phama, P. Lub, P. Aagaarda, C. Zhub, H. Hellevanga

Artikkel: Submarine Ridges and Elevations of Article 76 in Light of Published Summaries of Recommendations of the Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf (betalingsmur)

Harald Brekke og Philip Symonds


Artikkel: Tolket Tordis feil (pdf)

Tor Eidvin & Jon Arne Øverland

Artikkel: Geological evolution of the Norwegian continental shelf between 61ºN and 68ºN during the last 3 million years (pdf)

Dag Ottesen, Leif Rise, Espen Sletten Andersen, Tom Bugge & Tor Eidvin

Rapport: A biostratragraphic, strontium isotopic and lithostratigraphic study of the upper part of Hordaland Group and lower part of Nordland Group in well 34/7-2, 34/7-12 and 34/7-R-1 H from the Tordis Field in the Tampen area (northern North Sea). (pdf)

Tor Eidvin


Artikkel: The Tertiary of Norden (pdf)

E.S. Rasmussen, C. Heilmann-Clausen, R. Waagsten & T. Eidvin

Artikkel: Evolution of the Triassic shelf in the northern Barents Sea region (pdf)

Fridtjof Riis, Bjørn A. Lundschien, Tore Høy, Atle Mørk & Mai Britt E. Mørk.
Polar Research 27 2008 318–338 © 2008 The Authors

Artikkel: The Plio-Pleistocene glaciation of the Barents Sea–Svalbard region: a new model based on revised chronostratigraphy (betalingsmur)

Jochen Knies, Jens Matthiessen, Christoph Vogt, Jan Sverre Laberg, Berit O. Hjelstuen, Morten Smelror, Eiliv Larsen, Karin Andreassen, Tor Eidvin, & Tore O. Vorren


Artikkel: Post-Eocene strata of the southern Viking Graben, northern North Sea; integrated biostratigraphic, strontium isotopic and lithostratigraphic study (pdf)

Tor Eidvin & Yngve Rundberg

Artikkel: The Molo Formation, deposited by coastal progradation on the inner Mid-Norwegian continental shelf, coeval with the Kai Formation to the west and the Utsira Formation in the North Sea (pdf)

Tor Eidvin, Tom Bugge & Morten Smelror


Artikkel: Controls on depositional history and architecture of the Oligocene-Miocene succession, northern North Sea Basin (pdf)

Yngve Rundberg og Tor Eidvin

Rapport: Biostratigraphic investigation of well 35/2-1 (pdf)

Tor Eidvin


Artikkel: Formation of large, crater-like evacuation structures in ooze sediments in the Norwegian Sea. Possible implications for the development of the Storegga Slide

F. Riis, K. Berg, J. Cartwright, T. Eidvin og K. Hansch

Artikkel: Interplay of turbidite and contourite deposition along the Cosmonaut Sea/Enderby Land margin, East Antarctica

B. Kuvaas, Y. Kristoffersen, J. Guseva, G. Leitchenkov, V. Gandjukhin, O. Løvås, M. Sand og H. Brekke


Artikkel: Cenozoic stratigraphy and evolution of the Sørvestsnaget Basin, southwestern Barents Sea (pdf)

A. Ryseth, J.H. Augustson, M. Charnak, O. Haugerud, S-M. Knutsen, P.S. Midbøe, J.G. Opsal & G. Sundsbø

Artikkel: Mid-Pleistocene ice drainage pattern in the Norwegian Channel imaged by 3D seismic (betalingsmur)

L. Rise, O. Olesen, K. Rokoengen, D. Ottesena og F. Riis

Artikkel: Palynological and foraminiferal biostratigraphy of (Upper Pliocene) Nordland Group mudstones at Sleipner, northern North Sea (betalingsmur)

Martin J. Head, James B. Riding, Tor Eidvin, og R. Andrew Chadwick


Artikkel: Late Cainozoic stratigraphy of the Tampen area (Snorre and Visund fields) in the North Sea, with emphasis on the chronology of early Neogene sands (pdf)

Tor Eidvin & Yngve Rundberg

Artikkel: Sedimentary environments offshore Norway – an overview (betalingsmur)

Harald Brekke, Hans Iva Sjulstad, Christian Magnus og Robert W. Williams


Artikkel: The upper Cainozoic of the Norwegian continental shelf correlated with the deep sea record of the Norwegian Sea and the North Atlantic (betalingsmur)

Tor Eidvin, Eystein Jansen, Yngve Rundberg, Harald Brekke og Paul Grogan

Avhandling: Late Cainozoic stratigraphy of the Norwegian continental shelf (Dr. philos. thesis) (pdf)

Tor Eidvin


Artikkel: Age models for glacial fan deposits off east Greenland and Svalbard (Sites 986 and 987) (pdf)

J.E.T. Channel, Morten Smelror, Eystein Jansen, Sean M. Higgins, B. Lehman, Tor Eidvin, and A. Solheim

Artikkel: Foraminiferal biostratigraphy of pliocene deposits at site 986, Svalbard margin (pdf)

Tor Eidvin & Jenö Nagy

Artikkel: Upper Cainozoic stratigraphy in the central North Sea (Ekofisk and Sleipner fields) (pdf)

Tor Eidvin, Fridtjof Riis & Yngve Rundberg

Artikkel: Structural elements and petroleum geology of the Norwegian sector of the northern Barents Sea

P. Grogan, A.-M. Østvedt-Ghasi, G.B. Larssen, B. Fotland, K. Nyberg, S. Dahlgren and T. Eidvin


Artikkel: Cenozoic stratigraphy of the Norwegian Sea continental shelf, 64°N-68°N (pdf)

Tor Eidvin, Harald Brekke, Fridtjof Riis & David K. Renshaw

Artikkel: The Pleistocene to Middle Eocene stratigraphy and geological evolution of the western Barents Sea continental margin at well site 7316/5-1 (Bjørnøya west area) (pdf)

Tor Eidvin, Robert M. Goll, Paul Grogan, Morten Smelror & Kaare Ulleberg

Rapport: Biostratigraphical investigation of borehole 6704/12-GB1 from the Gjallar Ridge on the Vøring Plateau. (pdf)

Tor Eidvin, Nalan Koç, Morten Smelror & Eystein Jansen


Artikkel: Crustal structure of the northern part of the Vøring Basin, mid-Norway margin, from wide-angle seismic and gravity data (betalingsmur)

R. Mjelde, P. Digranes, H. Shimamura, H. Shiobar, S. Kodaira, H. Brekke, T. Egebjerg, N. Sørenes, og S. Thorbjørnsen


Artikkel: Quantification of Cenozoic vertical movements of Scandinavia by correlation of morphological surfaces with offshore data (betalingsmur)

Fritdjof Riis


Artikkel: Impact of glaciations on basin evolution: data and models from the Norwegian margin and adjacent areas—Introduction and summary (pdf)

A. Solheim, F. Riis, A. Elverhøi, J. I. Faleide, L. N. Jensend and S. Cloetingh


Rapport: En stratigrafisk undersøkelse av øvre del av brønn 7316/5-1 (Bjørnøya Vest). Undersøkt intervall: 567 - 1600m (pleistocen - midtre eocen). (NPD - CONTRIBUTION NO 38) (pdf)

Tor Eidvin, Robert M. Goll, Paul Grogan, Morten Smelror & Kaare Ulleberg 


Artikkel: Chronology of Tertiary fan deposits off the western Barents Sea: Implications for the uplift and erosion history of the Barents Shelf (pdf)

Tor Eidvin, Eystein Jansen og Fridtjof Riis


Artikkel: Introduction: Measuring uplift and erosion – proposal for a terminology (pdf)

Fridtjof Riis & Lars N. Jensen

Artikkel: Neotectonism in the Jæren area, southwest Norway (pdf)

Edith M.G. Fugelli & Fridtjof Riis

Artikkel: Dating and measuring of erosion, uplift and subsidence in Norway and the Norwegian shelf in glacial periods (pdf)

Fridtjof Riis


Rapport: Nye dateringer av de tre vestligste borehullene i Barentshavet. Resultater og konsekvenser for den Tertiære hevingen. (NPD - CONTRIBUTION NO 27) (pdf)

Tor Eidvin & Fridtjof Riis


Artikkel: A giant three-stage submarine slide off Norway

Tom Bugge, Stein Befring, Robert H. Belderson, Tor Eidvin, Eystein Jansen, Neil H. Kenyon, Hans Holtedahl and Hans Petter Sejrup

Artikkel: Large submarine slides on the Norwegian continental margin: Sediments, transport and timing (betalingsmur)

Eystein Jansen, Stein Befring, Tom Bugge, Tor Eidvin, Hans Holtedahl og Hans Petter Sejrup


Oppdatert: 22.07.2024

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